Once upon a time, I ran the London Marathon. Not particularly fast - it has to be said. (I blame the loo queues plus my Dad ringing on the mobile every 20 minutes to check my progress...) I'm intrigued to find out how the six Maasai warriors, running today to raise money to install a well in their home village, got on. They were all rather optimistic, given the likely absence of lions from the streets of London and the high comfort factor of their shoes, made out of re-cycled car tyres. Charity Greenforce certainly raised its profile with a series of fabulous photo ops such as this one & some fantastic PR, including news that M&S had donated underpants to the chaps, who usually go commando and that they had swiftly become addicted to the English cuppa with as many sugars as the proverbial plumber. To donate, follow this link: